Saturday, November 17, 2018

Épisode 1: Le Début

So, je suis un peu confus de la langue d’ecriture. Should it be in English or in French étant donné que je suis un prof de FLE in a predominantly English environment like Nigeria. I guess it will be a mix. Bilingual readers expected 😁.

J’ai commencé à enseigner le FLE il y a quelques années and, I work in a public school autrement dit, a government school. The journey has been amazing. My challenges when I started the job were “how do I teach French to students who were struggling with even English language?” Next challenge “teaching French to a class of about 70 students” thankfully, the Lagos State Multilingual Resource Centre came to the rescue. They organized a workshop titled “teaching French in a predominantly English environment using the UK example” That exposed me to using audiovisual resources to teach.

Several trainings later, a French club, a yearly “Journée de La Francophonie” I was managing my situation well enough. The performance in external exams started to improve. And then came the transfer, my attention was needed in a senior school nearby. Goodbye to Junior High, Hello Senior High.
Had to go back to the drawing board. So, I left for the unknown with the lessons learnt from the past, and thinking about how to handle the new challenge. I was nervous et un peu incertaine, how will I handle the senior students and their dramas?


  1. Beautiful! C'est une idée super! Du courage Damilare

  2. Félicitation! Il faut que la langue de communication soit purement français. Je ne m'incris jamais à l'utilisation d'anglais

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Episode 6: Enfin, Je peux souffler un peu!

J'ai été si occupée, je pensais toujours à mon blog mais je n'avais même pas le temps de poster quelque chose. J'avais le br...